The Tamil Nadu Health Department has invited applications from foreign medical graduates (FMGs) for the Compulsory Rotating Medical Internship (CRMI) training. The application process is open until January 31, 2025. This internship is a mandatory one-year program required for medical graduates to practice independently as doctors or dentists in India.
Required Documents for FMGs
Applicants must submit the following documents, with some requiring original copies and others self-attested photocopies:
About CRMI
The Compulsory Rotating Medical Internship (CRMI) is a vital phase of medical training. It involves one year of hands-on work in hospitals affiliated with medical colleges or other approved teaching hospitals. This training ensures that medical graduates gain practical experience before being licensed to practice independently.
Alternate Term: The program is also referred to as Compulsory Rotatory Residential Internship (CRRI).
FMGs interested in pursuing this training should ensure that all documents are ready and submit their applications before the deadline. This is a crucial step toward practicing medicine in India and fulfilling the requirements for professional certification.